Notes from React JS - React Tutorial for Beginners, by Mosh

00:00 Introduction

01:14 What is React
React is a JavaScript Library designed at Facebook in 2011 for developing fast and interactive interfaces.
Component - A piece of the user interface. When building applications with react, we build a bunch of independent isolated and reusable components and then compose them to build complex user interfaces.
Every application is a tree of components.

For example if you want to build an application similar to twitter you can split this page into compents such as:

NavBar, Profile, Trends, and Feed are components of App. Tweet is a component of Feed. Like is a component of Tweet.

class Tweet {
state = {};
render() {

02:56 What is React

05:48 Setting Up the Development Environment

09:27 Your First React App

16:03 Hello World

22:26 Components

24:06 Setting Up the Project

26:15 Your First React Component

31:38 Specifying Children

35:56 Embedding Expressions

40:49 Setting Attributes

46:36 Rendering Classes Dynamically

50:57 Rendering Lists

54:58 Conditional Rendering

1:01:04 Handling Events

1:03:56 Binding Event Handlers

1:08:34 Updating the State

1:10:51 What Happens When State Changes

1:12:58 Passing Event Arguments

1:17:31 Composing Components

1:21:18 Passing Data to Components

1:24:31 Passing Children

1:27:44 Debugging React Apps

1:31:55 Props vs State

1:34:22 Raising and Handling Events

1:39:16 Updating the State

1:43:57 Single Source of Truth

1:47:55 Removing the Local State

1:54:44 Multiple Components in Sync

2:00:39 Lifting the State Up

2:06:18 Stateless Functional Components

2:08:49 Destructuring Arguments

2:10:52 Lifecycle Hooks

2:12:32 Mounting Phase

2:18:09 Updating Phase

2:22:31 Unmounting Phase

The notes on this site are purely for educational purposes only.
Credit goes to Mosh for his youtube content.