What is Danny's Code?
Danny's Code is a collection of fun code examples, coding art, programming notes, and showcases projects I have collaborated with team members. Yes, this website is ugly on purpose for now; the real beauty is in the code. "Ctrl" + "u" is your friend when navigating this website.
Gridwest.Net started as a dream and becomes grows bigger everyday. The goal is to provide reliable IT services to businesses. I am responsible for website development, business development, product development, infacing with clients, and certain design choices for the Gridwest Operating System. When servicing Windows clients in the 90's, many flaws were noticed in the maintenance process and many of these flaws dealt directly with the closed source limitations built directly into the Windows operating system. Windows was broken and we could not fix it and Microsoft is not willing to fix it! For this reason, we set out on a mission developing our own flavor of GNU/Linux, a Free (as in Freedom) and Open Source Software (FOSS) kernel. GNU/Linux proved to be a much more reliable, powerful, and frankly easier to use platform and aligned more closely with our organization's values.
This website is my attempt to teach my client WordPress over the phone. There are plans to rebuild the site into a brochure of the Crescent City, California area for VRBO and airbnb clients.
This is my family's Christmas album. You can click any song on the CD to hear the music. The album includes artists from the London Field Harmonia that collaborated with my family on the project. I took marketing photos for the cover CD, helped with recordings, sang, played Alto Saxaphone, and assited with distribution and the website. The project was so sucessful that people believed we purchased the albums from Walmart and passed them out as Christmas gifts. Not So! It was made from scratch.
CSS Artwork:
Its interactive art. Picaso would be impressed! Move your mouse cursor to the center of the flower, then primary click your mouse button.
Danny's Code Project Goals
- Complete the navigate bar adding drop down menu
- Provide code examples for people to learn